Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today was the day! Todd & Melissa"s house came down. What a great morning, the sun was out, the sky was blue and only spots of snow here and there..These are a few pics that I took but there are some awesome pics on the link on my last post. The re-building starts tomorrow. Finally!!


  1. Hi Debbie
    I am happy to see they are moving forward. I was wondering where and how the fire started? My hubby and i were looking at the fire damage and trying to figure out what happened?
    BTW will you be here for the retreat this year?
    Hope to see you

  2. Debbie - down with the old, up with the new - building a life from the ground up. Our son lost everything but what he was wearing in a house fire nearly two years ago. We know how devastating it is emotionally. I wish your kids only the best!!
